Q: What is the 1095c Form?
A: This is a form that employers are required to send employees in accordance with the Affordable Care Act. It is used by the IRS to determine offer and election of health coverage.
Q: When will employees receive the 1095c?
A: The paper form will be mailed no later than January 29, 2023 via U.S. Mail. Please allow appropriate time for delivery. If you are to receive one, it will be included with your W2.
If you opt out of paper tax statements, it will be posted no later than Friday, January 31st, 2025. You will receive an email notification as soon as it is posted on the portal.
Q: What do I do with the 1095c Form?
A: When you file your income taxes this year, present the 1095c to your tax preparer who will offer guidance on the necessity of the 1095c. DO NOT THROW IT AWAY.
Q: I didn’t elect benefits through the Company in 2024. Why am I receiving a 1095c?
A: You are receiving the 1095c because you were eligible for health benefits in 2024, and were offered coverage by the Company. Whether you selected health benefits or not, the Company is required to provide you the 1095c if you were deemed full time, or if you elected a "Preventive Care" minimum essential coverage plan.
Q: Why did I receive more than one 1095c Form?
A: Like your W2, if you worked for more than one company in 2024, you will receive a 1095c from each employer. If you worked for more than one company under the ActOne Group of Companies, each 1095c will reflect information about your employment with that Company in 2024. The ActOne Group of Companies is the "control group". This means that the offer of coverage applies even if you transfer to an affiliated ActOne Group Company.
Q: What do the codes on the 1095c mean?
A: That information can be found in the appendix below, and on page 2 of the 1095c instructions.
Q: I didn’t select benefits last year but there’s a benefit cost on the 1095c. What does this mean?
A: The IRS will need to know the lowest cost minimum value plan available to you by your employer during 2024. This is what this amount reflects. It does not necessarily reflect an amount actually deducted.
Q: What do I do if there is incorrect information on my 1095c?
A: First, always contact your branch office to determine if they can assist you. If not, please email your concerns in detail to AvipEnrollment@ain1.com who will research the situation further.
Q: How do I obtain a duplicate 1095c form request?
A: The 1095c Request Form can be obtained through your local branch office, or you can obtain it online at: ain1.com/w2-1095c/W2/W2-1095-C-Request-Form.pdf
The form can be emailed to your local branch
Or the form can be mailed to:
W2 Request Department
P.O. Box 29048
Glendale, CA 91209
Please allow 7–10 business days for processing.
Q: How do I obtain the FEIN Number?
A: That information will be on your W2 you will receive. The Company does not give that information out over the phone or email.
Offer of Coverage - The codes listed below for line 14 describe the coverage that your employer offered to you and your spouse and dependent(s), if any. (If you received an offer of coverage through a multiemployer plan due to your membership in a union, that offer may not be shown on line 14.) The information on line 14 relates to eligibility for coverage subsidized by the premium tax credit for you, your spouse, and dependent(s). For more information about the premium tax credit, see Pub. 974.
This line reports the employee required contribution, which is the monthly cost to you for the lowest-cost self-only minimum essential coverage providing minimum value that your employer offered you. For an individual coverage HRA, the employee required contribution is the excess of the monthly premium based on the employee’s applicable age for the applicable lowest cost silver plan over the monthly individual coverage HRA amount (generally, the annual individual coverage HRA amount divided by 12). See the Instructions for Forms 1094-C and 1095-C for more details. The amount reported on line 15 may not be the amount you paid for coverage if, for example, you chose to enroll in more expensive coverage such as family coverage. Line 15 will show an amount only if code 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E, 1J, 1K, 1L, 1M, 1N, 1O, 1P, or 1Q is entered on line 14. If you were offered coverage but there is no cost to you for the coverage, this line will report "0.00" for the amount. For more information, including on how your eligibility for other healthcare arrangements might affect the amount reported on line 15, visit IRS.gov.
This code provides the IRS information to administer the employer shared responsibility provisions. Other than a code 2C, which reflects your enrollment in your employer’s coverage, none of this information affects your eligibility for the premium tax credit. For more information about the employer shared responsibility provisions, visit IRS.gov.
This line reports the applicable ZIP code your employer used for determining affordability if you were offered an individual coverage HRA. If code 1L, 1M, or 1N was used on line 14, this will be your primary residence location. If code 1O, 1P, or 1Q was used on line 14, this will be your primary work location. For more information about individual coverage HRAs, visit IRS.gov.
Part III reports the name, SSN (or TIN for covered individuals other than the employee listed in Part I), and coverage information about each individual (including any full-time employee and non-full-time employee, and any employee’s family members) covered under the employer’s health plan, if the plan is "self-insured." A date of birth will be entered in column (c) only if an SSN (or TIN for covered individuals other than the employee listed in Part I) is not entered in column (b). Column (d) will be checked if the individual was covered for at least one day in every month of the year. For individuals who were covered for some but not all months, information